Each person should give what they have decided in their heart to give

2 Corinthians 9 v 7

Following Jesus involves making sacrifices in our lives as we give ourselves, our time, our talents and our money, in response to the good news of the Gospel. The financial support of St Mary’s is entirely dependent upon the giving of the congregations. Thank you for taking time to consider your giving to the mission and ministry of St Mary’s.


It is a great help to have a high proportion of our income coming from reliable, predictable regular giving, as this helps us to plan well. 

The main way we encourage you to do this is through the Parish Giving Scheme. This is a national church scheme which hugely eases the administration of donations for us. All your money comes to St Mary’s.

PGS is secure, confidential and easy to use. You can read more below and join online or by telephone. Alternatively forms are available in church or from the parish office. Our PGS code is 270627577


Other ways to give

Standing Orders

You can still give by standing order if you wish (by setting it up online or writing to your bank) using the account details here


These can be made by Bank transfer using the account details here, Cheque made payable to “Great Chesham PCC – St Mary’s DCC”, or Cash in the collection plate


Account name:
”Great Chesham PCC
– St Mary’s DCC”
Account No  06813933
Sort Code 52-21-27