By this will everyone know that you are my disciples, if you love one another
John 13 v 35
The Bible is full of “one anothers” … love … encourage … serve … forgive … be kind & compassionate … pray… for one another … there are lots more! Here are just some of the ways we seek to ensure that each person at St Mary’s can give and receive the care they need.
The Care Team makes regular visits to offer support, friendship and updates on church family news to those who have become unable to leave their homes due to chronic illness or immobility, especially if they live alone. We also try to keep in touch with people at risk of becoming isolated, or who are experiencing problems such as recovering from surgery or coping with bereavement.
Our Driving Team provides transport to and from our services for those who would be otherwise unable to make the journey due to age or medical condition. Provision is made weekly for the 9am and 11am services, and can be arranged for special events as and when they occur. Do get in touch if you know someone who would like to attend St Mary’s, but cannot get there.
We seek to offer short term support to anyone facing a particular need – caused for example by illness, job loss, bereavement or other short term problems. Members of the team are available to listen, support, pray or provide practical help such as meals. If you feel that this is something you or someone you know in the congregation may benefit from, please get in touch.