Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation

Mark 16 v 15

While we have been given responsibility to be the people of God here in Chesham, we are part of a huge worldwide family of believers and we seek to play our part in helping others in their mission and ministry wherever they are. We are currently partnering with God’s people in….

The Beacon School, Ghana

The Beacon School seeks to act as a ‘beacon’ of hope, direction and leadership in its community. It is preparing tomorrow’s leaders today who will, hopefully, influence Ghana and the international community in the future.

Christian Solidarity Worldwide

CSW is a human rights organisation specialising in advocating and supporting religious freedom; it works on behalf of those persecuted for their Christian beliefs and promotes religious liberty for everyone.

Church Pastoral Aid Society

CPAS has been helping churches reach out with the message of the gospel since 1836; enabling churches in the UK and Ireland to help people hear and discover the Good News of Jesus.

Overseas Missionary Fellowship

OMF seeks to serve the church and to bring the Gospel to all the peoples of East Asia. We particularly support David Eastwood, the Field Director in Taiwan. 



Novimost is a local charity working in Bosnia Herzegovina seeking to encourage young people in stepping up to serve and looking forward to opportunities to invest in both their own future and that of others across the ethnic and religious divides.


Tear Fund

Tear Fund continues in its passionate fight against poverty and injustice across the world, seeking to end poverty around the world, empowering the local church to make it happen


Church Mission Society

CMS longs to see all God’s people engaged in God’s mission, bringing challenge, change, hope and freedom to the world.

Wycliffe Bible Translators

Wycliffe’s vision is for a world where everyone can know Jesus through the Bible. Wycliffe serves local partners worldwide as they bring God’s word to their communities in the language which speaks to them best.

Phil Nightingale: Army Chaplain

Phil served as Assistant Minister at St Mary's until 2024 and is now a Chaplain with the Scots Guards.

Root & Branch Change

Working in Munsieville, South Africa’s oldest, undeveloped township, Root and Branch Change was founded by longstanding members of the St Mary’s Church family to reach out with Christ’s love to children who have been abandoned, neglected or abused, whilst helping to mobilise and equip churches to be radical change-makers in the lives of people in crisis and acute poverty.

Chiltern Foodbank (Trussell Trust)

Chiltern Foodbank is an initiative set up by members of St. Mary’s and supported by many local churches. The foodbank aims to provide people in crisis with three days’ food to help them over the initial stages of a difficulty.  Food is distributed to people of all faiths and no faith.

Hope Church Chesham

Hope Church is part of the Parish of Great Chesham and serves the Hivings and Pond Park areas of Chesham.